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Three ways to remotely turn your EAGLE on

The EAGLE introduces new ways to remotely turn it on, enhancing flexibility and convenience for remote observatory operation. Whether your telescope is located nearby or in a remote observatory, you now have three different methods to power on your EAGLE. In this article we’ll describe how to activate each method and what you need for each way.



1) Remotely turn your EAGLE on by using Lights-out Management (LOM) (EAGLE6 only)

Lights-out Management (LOM) includes a “Power” button, which lets you turn on your EAGLE from any device connected to the same network.

What you need: a device (PC, tablet, or smartphone) on the same network as the EAGLE, a router with a connected to your device and the EAGLE

How to set it up:

  1. Connect the EAGLE to your network: Ensure the EAGLE is connected via Ethernet to the same network as the device you will use for LOM access.
  2. Access the LOM Interface: Open a web browser on your device. Enter the LOM’s IP address (you can manually specify it in Advanced Settings of EAGLE Manager X).
  3. Turn On the EAGLE: In the LOM dashboard, locate the “Power” button and click it. The EAGLE will immediately boot up.


2) Remotely turn your EAGLE on by using BIOS Auto Power-On

This method utilises the “After Power Failure” option in the BIOS. When enabled, the EAGLE automatically turns on as soon as the EAGLE’s options power unit receives power. This method requires the use of a smart plug to be used together with EAGLE and the EAGLE’s optional power unit. More, if you activate this feature also without connecting a smart plug, this is useful in case of a power outage: in case of a power outage the EAGLE will automatically as soon as power is restored.

What you need: a smart plug or power distribution unit (PDU) that allows remote power control, a device (PC, tablet, or smartphone) with remote access to the smart plug
• The optional EAGLE’s power unit.


Three ways to remotely turn your EAGLE on


How to set it up:

  1. Enter BIOS Settings: connect EAGLE to an HDMI monitor and USB keyboard (this allows you to use it as a standard computer). Power on your EAGLE and press F2 button during boot to enter the BIOS.
  2. Enable Auto Power-On: if you have the EAGLE6 S/PRO/XTM, navigate to “Power, Performance and Cooling”, then select “Secondary Power Settings”. Locate the option “After Power Failure”. Set it to “Power On”. If you have the EAGLE6 with Celeron processor, navigate to “Advanced”, select “Chipset Configuration”, then “Restore on AC/Power loss” and set it to “Power On”.
  3. Save and Exit: Press F10 to save the settings and exit the BIOS.
  4. Use a Smart Plug or PDU: Plug your EAGLE’s optional power unit into a remotely controlled power switch (e.g., a Wi-Fi smart plug or a network PDU). Please refer to your smart plug user manual in order to check how to connect it to the Internet and let you remotely control by using your mobile device or computer.
  5. When you will remotely activate your smart plug, the EAGLE will automatically boot up.


Three ways to remotely turn your EAGLE on


3) Remotely turn your EAGLE on by using Observatory Action with Smart Relay Switch (EAGLE6 only)

With the Observatory Action feature in EAGLE Manager X, you can use the CTRL IN port to remotely turn on your EAGLE via a smart relay switch. This allows you to power the EAGLE on from anywhere in the world, even through the Internet.

What you need: a smart relay switch (e.g., Shelly) connected to the EAGLE’s CTRL IN port with 2.5mm jack cable, a device (PC, smartphone, or tablet) to control the smart relay

How to set it up:

  1. Connect the Smart Relay Switch to the EAGLE: Use a cable to connect the output terminals of the relay switch to the CTRL IN port of the EAGLE.
  2. Configure EAGLE Manager X: Open EAGLE Manager X and go to CTRL IN settings. Set the CTRL IN function to “Power On”.
  3. Control the Smart Relay Switch: Access the relay switch’s cloud control app on your smartphone or PC. Toggle the relay to “on” to trigger the EAGLE power-on command.


Three ways to remotely turn your EAGLE on


The EAGLE provides multiple ways to remotely turn it on, making it a flexible and adaptable solution for different observatory setups. If your telescope is near your control room (for example telescope is in your home backyard or in a school with an observatory within the school area), the LOM “Power On” button is the easiest to use option since it doesn’t require any other hardware. If you have a remote observatory far from your location, the Observatory Action and the BIOS Auto Power-On with a smart relay are the most effective way to ensure full control over long distances. In order to provide the maximum reliability and if you don’t need to use the CTRL IN port for another Action, you may also consider to use both the systems and have the highest level of power control of your EAGLE, telescope, and observatory.