What is radio astronomy?

What is radio astronomy?

Radio astronomy is a fascinating science and it studies the Universe by detecting radio emission from many objects like the Sun, the Milky way, planets, galaxies and nebulas. In this presentation Filippo Bradaschia, PrimaLuceLab president and co-founder, gives an overview on radio astronomy history and basic physics. Then he introduces the most important radio sources in the Universe and the SPIDER affordable radio telescopes developed by PrimaLuceLab. These instruments allow any school, university, museum or science institute to make real radio astronomy with powerful but affordable, compact and easy to use radio telescopes.

In this presentation:

  1. Introduction: discovery of the invisible Universe
  2. How radio waves are generated in the Universe
  3. How the Universe appears in radio waves
  4. Radio astronomy with SPIDER radio telescopes



By today, radio astronomy can be performed not only by professional radio astronomers. In fact PrimaLuceLab builds complete radio telescopes ready for use for educational (schools, universities, science museums) and research (science institutes, space agencies) markets at an affordable price. This way you no longer need to study how to build a radio telescope but you can use a certified and powerful instrument, and focus your attention in getting data and make real radio astronomy!


SPIDER radio telescopes
SPIDER radio telescopes


SPIDER radio telescopes are turnkey systems composed of the antenna, mount, pier, receiver and software, ready to capture radio waves coming from space. Antenna diameters range from 2.3 to 5 meters with different types of mounts, also weatherproof in order to allow the radio telescope to be installed in the field without the need of a protection structure. Every SPIDER radio telescope is designed to be remotely operated from a control room where the H142-PRO 1420 MHz receiver with computer and RadioUniversePRO software are installed.


In order to allow everyone start his project, PrimaLuceLab also offers design, shipment, installation and training services. Thanks to our team specialized in radio telescopes, we can support you from design to shipment, from installation to on-site training.